Examination Results & Destinations - St Albans High School for Girls

Exam Results

A Level Highlights

Result %

A* to A73.3%
A* to B87.8%
A* to C95.5%


  • 12% of our cohort took up Oxbridge places, which represents 100% take-up of offers and a conversion rate of 36% application to offer.

GCSE Highlights

Result %

9 to 867%
9 to 786%


Despite the fact that STAHS would comfortably sit in the top 30 independent schools in the UK based on 2023 A level results, we withhold our outcomes from league table publication. Our decision is based on a number of issues. Firstly, an increasing number of top-performing HMC schools are choosing not to submit their results for league tables, which means that many of our peer schools do not appear. Secondly, different league tables apply different criteria for assessing schools; some will exclude certain qualifications or choose different measures by which to rank schools. League tables are therefore becoming increasingly less reliable ways of judging schools against one another. Thirdly, and most importantly, we do not believe that league tables should be the barometer by which schools are measured. STAHS consistently achieves excellent academic results and we are rightly proud of our pupils’ exam outcomes. However, there is so much more to a STAHS education than exam results; the skills and attributes we help our pupils develop ensure STAHS pupils are able to enjoy life and thrive as adults. Simple statistics do not do justice to the wonderfully talented, ambitious, compassionate, resilient and enthusiastic pupils at STAHS.

Although we don’t formally publish our outcomes to news outlets, we will continue to publish a full and transparent breakdown of results on our website each year.