Privacy Notice - St Albans High School for Girls

Privacy Notice

St Albans High School for Girls (STAHS) is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. STAHS is a company limited by guarantee with company registration number 00321911 and a registered charity with charity registration number 311065. We are registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office under registration number Z8481995.

Our Privacy Notice provides detailed information about how and why we use (or “process”) personal data and what we do with that information. It also explains the decision that you can make about your own information. Data protection legislation gives individuals rights to understand how their data is used. Staff, parents and pupils are all encouraged to read this Privacy Notice and understand the school’s obligations to its entire community. Anyone who works for, or acts on behalf of, the school (including staff, volunteers, governors and service providers) should also be aware of and comply with this Privacy Notice.

Please read it carefully, and if you have any questions regarding your personal data or its use, please contact us at; or by telephone on 01727 853800.