Welcome to Sixth Form

Welcome to STAHS Sixth Form – a fantastic place to learn.

We are incredibly proud of STAHS Sixth Form. Our amazing Sixth Form building is more like a university than a school. The study areas, computer rooms,
dedicated Sixth Form library and, of course, Sixth Form Common Room, encourage our students to work hard and collaborate with each other in their learning and in all aspects of Sixth Form life.

Our small class sizes enable excellent relationships between staff and students. Students think for themselves beyond the curriculum and extend their
learning, but they know that their teachers are always there for them if they need help and guidance. Rapport between staff and students is excellent; students have access to a wide network of support from our experienced and knowledgeable staff – there is always someone to turn to.

Our Higher Education and Careers team has an impressive range of experience in preparing our students not just for UK universities, but also for study abroad, conservatoires, foundation courses and apprenticeships. We are immensely proud of our track record of success: thanks to our individualised approach to pastoral and academic support, typically more than 90% of A level grades at STAHS are A* to B and our students consistently meet the requirements for entry to their next stage of education.

Our Special Destinations programmes covering Oxbridge, medical, veterinary and dental schools and the overseas universities start early and enable
students to push themselves well beyond the confines of the A level syllabus, whilst helping them prepare for associated interviews and exams. Alumni, parents and staff play vital roles in preparing them for each step of the process.

The STAHS Diploma is a perfect fusion of all the key aspects of life here and enables our students to flourish; they leave us excited to take the next step in their journey to adulthood. Please do come and see what we have to offer. The students and staff at STAHS Sixth Form would be delighted to welcome you.

Helen Monighan
Head of Sixth Form

Prep Senior Sixth Stahs