Pupils in Years 7 and 8 follow a broad, balanced course of study comprising:
All pupils follow a discrete PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) programme from Years 7 to 9, taught during tutor time.
Academic life at STAHS is a rich combination of core courses, elective options, extension opportunities, hands-on and experiential learning, and practical work carried out in specialist facilities.
Pupils in Years 7 and 8 follow a broad, balanced course of study comprising:
All pupils follow a discrete PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) programme from Years 7 to 9, taught during tutor time.
Pupils tailor their curriculum and choose five ‘elective’ subjects to continue in Year 9 along with their core subjects.
All pupils follow a discrete PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) programme from Years 7 to 9, taught during tutor time.
Most pupils study 10 GCSE subjects. All pupils study the core subjects of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Science. The vast majority of pupils take Triple Science (studying Biology, Chemistry and Physics as three separate courses) while some will opt for the Double Science Award (resulting in two, rather than three, GCSE outcomes). All pupils also study at least one Modern Foreign Language (French,German, Italian, Mandarin or Spanish). Pupils may then select freely from the following subjects to reach a total of up to 10 subjects where appropriate:
*Only one of these subjects may be studied as they follow a similar specification
Pupils continue to have discrete Physical Education and Games lessons in Year 10 and 11. All pupils in Years 7 to 11 follow a structured tutor programme that attends to all areas of PSHE, encouraging discussion and learning, relevant to their year group. Some pupils will take Music GCSE a year early and then complete the Level 2 Silver Arts Award during their Year 11 course.