Wrap-around care

Breakfast and After-school clubs

For those families who need wrap-around care, the day begins with Breakfast Club from 07.15. Here, the children enjoy a calm and relaxed breakfast with siblings and friends. We offer choices from cereal, toast, a cooked option, yoghurt, fruit and a drink to give pupils a nourishing start to the day. The children play outside from 08.00 for a breath of fresh air before the school day begins at 08.30.

Most of our pupils are involved in after-school clubs, but some days they will need after-school care, which is available until 18.00. Our after-school care provides a safe and caring environment for your child to relax at the end of a busy day. Younger pupils go to classrooms for art and craft activities and a story until 16.30, whilst older pupils complete their homework supervised by a teacher or assistant who can give them help or guidance where necessary.

At 16.30, the pupils enjoy a family tea together and after 17.00 they play board games, complete art activities or play outside.

We accept childcare vouchers and Tax Free Childcare for wrap-around care. 

Holiday Activity Camps

We’re excited to announce that Ultimate Activity Camps will be running at STAHS Prep in 2025! Their camps provide children with the chance to explore new activities, build confidence, and make new friends. With over 40 exciting sports, games, and creative activities for children each week, their camps are regularly inspected by Ofsted, ensuring your child’s safety while they’re having an amazing time.

Camp dates

Easter Monday 7 – Friday 11 April 2025
Summer Monday 14 July – Friday 15  August 2025

(Survival: Monday 28 July – Fri 15 August)


Prep Senior Sixth Stahs