Ours is a close and kind community where every child’s needs are recognised. The children are encouraged to strive to succeed, make good choices and care for themselves and others, and they do so within a nurturing and supportive environment. Excellent relationships between staff, pupils and parents ensure that each child’s needs are understood, which enables them to thrive.
The Prep School’s Deputy Head Pastoral leads the key adults who support the pupils’ pastoral needs. Our dedicated team of form teachers really get to know the girls in their classes, providing a nurturing environment and guidance when it is required. Our School Chaplain and Nurse are integral to the pastoral care that we provide our pupils.
Student Leadership
We encourage all pupils to positively impact our community with their voice and ideas. The elected Prep Pupil Council lead the Eco, Charity, Wellbeing and Pre-Prep Pupil Sub-Committees, while other girls choose to support the School in their areas of interest. In Year 6, pupils are invited to apply for specific leadership positions; they are interviewed by staff and elected into these posts by their peers, as they begin their journey to leading a life of consequence.
All our pupils are members of a House: Julian, Mandeville, Verulam or Paris, each named after a historic local dignitary. The House system is used for many different competitions and pupils earn rewards for their Houses through good behaviour and attitude to learning. They also provide a focus for Charity Days and fundraising activities.
Within each House are House Families comprised of pupils from Reception to Year 6, headed by a member of staff. These families enjoy activities together at regular intervals throughout the year, allowing pupils to make friendships across year groups and giving older children opportunities to mentor and support younger ones.
Pupils stay in their Houses when they move to STAHS Senior, further strengthening the bonds with others in the House and embedding an identity that stays with them when they become alumni.