Welcome to STAHS
Our vision is that each child is supported to become a happy, resilient young person who embraces life’s challenges and opportunities. STAHS pupils not only achieve excellent academic outcomes, but more importantly are prepared to live lives of consequence and make a meaningful impact on the world.
Forward-thinking mindset
We are forward-thinking choice for academic excellence, passionate about progress and always challenging conventions to better prepare children for their futures.
Give it a go
Beyond the results
We are a proudly academic community. We ignite and nurture the joy of scholarship in our pupils. They thrive in an environment of challenge and ambition – bold ideas, creativity, innovation and success are encouraged and celebrated.
of all A levels awarded were at grades A*-B in 2024
of all A levels awarded were at grades A*- C in 2024
Of GCSEs awarded were grades 9-7 in 2024
Fun is of paramount importance when it comes to the co-curriculum, making these activities some of the most rewarding aspects of School life.
Happy, resilient young people who will embrace opportunities and lead lives of consequence.
Teach to 25 runs through every aspect of a STAHS education